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  • SkyTeam ™ takes you to your next business destinations in Mexico, the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania, and Latin America.

Our 19 partner airlines give you access to 1,150 destinations around the world with more flights and connections than ever before. Whether for business or pleasure, our network of partner airlines allows you to travel the world in the simplest and most convenient way.

1,150 destinations

175 countries

750 Vip Lounges

14,500 daily flights

630 million annual passengers

Founden in the year 2000

  • Earn Aeroméxico Rewards Points with Aeroméxico and Delta

Your Company and Employees can earn Aeroméxico Rewards Points for each flight with the airlines affiliated to Aeroméxico Rewards Business: Aeroméxico and Delta. 

  • Use your Aeroméxico Rewards Points with Skyteam ™

SkyTeam® is made up of the most prestigious airlines in the world. As a Corporate Aeroméxico Rewards Company, you can give more value to your Aeroméxico Rewards Points by acquiring Award Tickets to travel with the SkyTeam® airlines listed below.

Use your Aeroméxico Rewards Points and take your Company to the next Level with Aeroméxico Rewards Business! 

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Aerolíneas Argentinas

Flies to 37 destinations within Argentina and to 18 destinations in the world.

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Air Europa

Spanish airline, flies to 59 destinations and 24 countries around the world.

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China Airlines

Flag carrier of Taiwan, flying to 160 destinations in 29 countries. 

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China Eastern

One of the main airlines in China, flying to 36 countries. 

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Czech Airlines

Flag airline of the Czech Republic, flies to 31 destinations and 21 countries.

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Garuda Indonesia

Leading airline in Indonesia, connecting with 83 destinations in the world.

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Kenya Airways

Leading African airline, flies to 54 destinations worldwide.

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Korean Air

Seoul-based leading airline, flies to 44 countries around the world.

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Middle East Airlines

From Lebanon it flies to 32 destinations in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

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Saudia Airlines

Saudi Arabia's national airline, flies to 95 destinations in 39 countries.

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Romanian airline, flies to 38 destinations and 25 countries.

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Vietnam Airlines

Leader of aviation in Vietnam, flies to 52 destinations and 17 countries. 

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Xiamen Airlines

Based in China, it flies to Asia, Europe, Australia and North America.

Complimnetary Information

For business trips to be recorded in the Corporate Account automatically, your company’s Accrual Code must be entered before the flight: OSI YY OIN AMCP


Ask your travel agency or ticketing office to enter the aforementioned Code before booking.

If the ticket is purchased directly on the Aeroméxico, Delta, Air France or KLM Websites, enter the Corporate account number in the Passenger information section, before finalizing the booking.

Please note there is no retro-active accrual in this Program. It is thus mandatory to enter your Corporate account number while booking.
